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Manicure Tutorial

How to Address Nail Problems?

by LynEva 01 Nov 2022 0 Comments

Due to inadequate daily care, poor nail-related habits, or insufficient disinfection of nail tools, as well as overdoing nail treatments, various nail problems may arise. These issues should be addressed promptly and systematically. This article presents common nail problems and offers recommended solutions.



Hangnail is often caused by inadequate moisture in the hands, which can lead to cracking of the skin around the nail base, resulting in the growth of excess skin or by coming into contact with strong nail polish removers or cleaning agents.


  1. Start with basic nail care to moisturize dry skin and use cuticle scissors to remove excess hangnail.
  2. Apply a moisturizer with a higher oil content and gently massage it into your hands.
  3. If the skin around the hangnail is severely cracked and becomes infected or inflamed, soak the nails in soapy water containing an antiseptic.


Ingrown nails

Ingrown nails are a precursor to paronychia, most commonly occurring on the toenails, often caused by wearing tight shoes or improper nail trimming.

Treatment: In this situation, prompt medical attention is advised.


Nail Rippling

Nail Rippling, characterized by longitudinal ridges on the nail surface, is often caused by various factors such as underlying health issues, diet, smoking, and a stressful or irregular lifestyle.


  1. During nail care, ensure that the uneven sides with surface irregularities are properly filed during the surface grinding.
  2. Regular basic nail care and taking time for relaxation and self-care can help alleviate the surface symptoms.


Nail Groove Cracking

Nail Groove Cracking is often the result of decreasing temperatures during the fall and winter seasons, which leads to reduced secretion from skin glands. The exposed parts of the hands and feet have a larger heat dissipation area, causing the rapid evaporation of oils on the hands, leading to the appearance of cracks, bleeding, and other damage in the nail grooves.


  1. Reduce the frequency of hand washing when necessary. After washing, use a dry, soft towel to remove excess moisture and apply nutrient oil to protect the skin. Regular paraffin hand care is recommended.
  2. Consume foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots and spinach.


White Spots

White Spots on Nails are often caused by a zinc deficiency, nail damage with air intrusion, or a lack of keratin in the nails.

Treatment: Regular basic hand care and nail care can help resolve this issue.


Nail Breakage

Nail Breakage is primarily caused by prolonged exposure to strong chemicals. Nail technicians who are frequently in contact with acetone-containing nail polish removers, nail cleaning solutions, and other irritating chemicals, as well as individuals with conditions like arthritis, may experience nail breakage.


  1. Carefully trim the broken nail tips from the sides. Regular oil-based hot hand treatments or paraffin hand care can help alleviate this issue.
  2. When working, wear protective gloves to avoid prolonged exposure to chemicals that can cause erosion.


Nail Biting

Nail Biting is a bad habit often caused by nervousness.

Treatment: Carefully trim the front edge of the nails and engage in nail care with nutrients.


Nail Hematoma

Nail Hematoma refers to the presence of blood vessels or the appearance of blue-black spots underneath the nails. Most commonly, it is caused by external trauma, pressure, or impact. In some cases, it can be caused by an infection from a pork tapeworm or liver disease.

Treatment: Various nail care methods can be used, with a focus on covering the affected area.



Paronychia is an infection that occurs in the nail groove area. It is often caused by cuts, scrapes, ingrown nails, or nail splinter removal, and the infection is typically due to bacterial or fungal agents. In particular, white superficial onychomycosis can lead to chronic infections with persistent symptoms.


  1. If the affected area is already pus-filled, disinfect it and allow the pus to drain to relieve pain. Use antifungal ointment lightly applied to the wound.
  2. Properly trim the nails, keeping them square or slightly rounded. Avoid cutting off the corners to prevent the new nail from ingrowing into the soft tissue.
  3. Protect your hands (or feet) and avoid prolonged soaking in water or soapy water. After washing, dry the hands (or feet) immediately.
  4. In severe cases, seek medical attention.
  5. Avoid nail care procedures during the purulent or inflammatory period.


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