
At our core, sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it's our guiding principle. We prioritize responsible resource management and environmental consciousness. Our commitment to Promoting Equal Job Opportunities and Safeguarding Workers' Rights reinforces our holistic approach to sustainability. These values drive our every action, shaping a better future for both our business and the world we live in.

Resource Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness

Use Renewable Resources

Our nail tips are made from PMMA, a recyclable and eco-friendly material. After recycling, PMMA can be converted into its base components at high temperatures and then remolded, significantly reducing ocean pollution.

Reduce Plastic Pollution

Compared to machine-made nails with 24 or 30 pieces, our handcrafted custom nails (10 pieces) use over half less plastic, reducing waste. Besides, we operate on a made-to-order basis, minimizing excess stock.

Promoting Equal Job Opportunities and Safeguarding Workers' Rights

Reject Nail Polishes

To ensure the well-being of nail artists, we avoid using nail polishes that might contain harmful chemicals, opting for nail gels made mainly from natural resins.

Increase Women's Employment

With more than half of our nail artists being women, we provide equal job opportunities for female workers.

Promote Reemployment

We welcome artisans from various fields, such as ceramic painters and textile workers, offering them suitable positions and assisting in their transition to new employment.

Anti-Child and Forced Labor

We firmly oppose any form of child labor and forced labor.